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發表於 2021-11-3 16:07:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Taiwan is set to become the first area of Asia to legalise same-sexmarriage. According to the Associated Press, no longer will children of same-sexcouples only have one legal parent as the country is set to review marriageequality bills.


One of three bills is already being reviewed by lawmakers, so same-sexcou止痛膏推薦,ples might be able to marry within a matter of months. This is agroundbreaking feat for LGBT couples, who don’t currently have legal, medicaland educational autonomy over their partner’s children and assets if somethingwas to happen to them.


Around 80% of Taiwan’s young population and 55% of the entire populationsupp足部除臭噴霧,orts same-sex marriage and Taiwan’s first female head of state, PresidentTsai Ing-wen, has been pressing for legalisation. The liberal attitude isthought to be a result of the area’s multi-party democracy which allows an arrayof views to be heard along with the establishment of feminism and the fight forgender and LGBT equality during and since the 90s.


Similarly, most of the Taiwanese population follows Buddhism andtraditional Chinese religions that don’t take a strict stance on sexualorientation. Jens Da妹妹, associate Professor at a top Taiwan university explainsthat the “elite beju888九州娛樂城,came in favour of a kind of gender equality”, furthering therights of LGBT folk too.


The progressive attitude seen in Taiwan is very different from its Asianneighbours. At least 20 Asian and Middle Eastern countries continue to outlawsame-sex co珍珠奶茶,uples having sex in any form, and doing so is punishable.


Still, Taiwan now holds a noble power to influence the countriessurrounding it. Yu Mei-nu, a ruling Democratic Progressive Party lawmaker incharge of the same-sex marriage bill said:


“It’s a big step forward for the history of human rights. If Taiwan can getthis passed … it will give other Asian countries a model.”


While the same-sex marriage bill has had tremendous backing, it hasn’t beena smooth ride to marriage equality. Taiwan’s nationalist party has attempted toreject same-sex marriage bills repeatedly – in 2013 around 400,000 people signeda petition against same-sex marriage.

固然同性婚姻法案已获得庞大支撑,但婚姻同等之路仍非坦途。台灣民族主义党频频试圖回绝同性婚姻法案 -2013年,约40万人签订了否决同性婚姻的示威书。

Thankfully, love ultimately won the argument.


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