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發表於 2021-11-3 16:00:29 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Press conference for Taiwan plane crash, 48 confirmed dead



The TransAsia Airways aircraft destined for Makung had been scheduled toleav頭皮按摩器生髮,e Kaohsiung at 4pm, but was delayed ne帶夜燈纸巾盒,arly two hours because of poorweather. When it arrived in Makung airspace, the pilot was reportedly asked towait until after 7pm before being allowed to land. After failing his firstattempt, the pilot requested a second try. But shortly afterward, the controltower lost contact with the plane.

The aircraft reportedly smashed into the ground in the township of Huhsi,causing a fire that affected two homes. Online pictures showed a heavily damagedhouse and wreckage from the plane, while other web posts said the blaze was sostrong it could not be extinguished by the rain.

There was no i妹妹ediate information about what caused the crash or thenumber of casualties, but there were media reports of burn injuries and possibledeaths. Eight people were taken to the Tri-Service General Hospital in Makung.The pilot has been identified by media outlets as 60-year-old Lee Yi-liang.

There are reports that the accident might be linked to Typho風濕關節炎治療,on Matmo, whichpassed over Taiwan earlier in the day, bringing strong winds and heavy rains.Makung Airport was closed after the incident. The Chinese-language Apple Dailynewspaper wrote that over the past 13 years, TransAsia Airways has had eightaccidents, including six with the same ATR-72 model aircraft that crashed onWednesday.

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